Sunday, October 19, 2008

dealing with the passed/past

history is written through people 'leaving their mark' in the world. that mark of the past may be left via the means of a war, a social movement, great accomplishments, etc. in most cases, human nature will drive a desire for ownership. wether it be through involvement in a project, or a significant achievement, or anything else that one involves their hand in, they want to be recognized. we like to see that our involvement has changed something, that it has affected to outcome of something significantly. we like to 'leave our mark' in history. that history may be that which will be read by students in high school classrooms, or that which is seen by everyone who walks in front of a particular wall in new york city. the following are examples of recent innovations in 'leaving your mark' in todays world. the advancement of technology has opened up endless paths that we can all 'leave our mark'.

the graffiti research lab is all about outfitting today's graffiti artists with new technologies for urban communication. the "untouchable" project allowed artists to leave their mark on places normally unreachable without extreme preparatory procedures, such as underneath the brooklyn bridge. these images are created by laser projection. 

the reverse graffiti project, by artist "moose" takes a completely new approach to urban art. the walls of the san francisco broadway tunnel were caked with soot and dirt from years of 20,000 passing motor vehicles per day. using a plant based cleaner by green works, moose blasts away the dirt and soot using stencils, leaving behind incredible scenery and images created from the now clean areas of the walls.

the hyposurface is a wall consisting of many smaller panels that are powered by compressed air. the wall reacts to sound and movment of passerbys, and can spell out words, and create images.

adobe's interactive video projection wall was part of their promotion for cs3. installed in union square, new york, people's movements were recorded by sophisticated tracking hardware and flash scripting, and were translated into a mixed-media digital mural. as a person walks across the wall, randomly generated animations and music will appear on the wall where the person has been.

interactive floor designer sensacell's led floor captures digital footprints. consisting of 1000 leds across 250 square feet, the pressure sensitive floor responds to steps by lighting up. the steps are tracked over time, allowing users to create a series of footprints that slowly fade away.

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